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发布日期:2025-01-04 14:59    点击次数:100
临安 世茂·明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894(预约热线)中式合院—总价348-458万,面积170方合院世茂·明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894准┊‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼现┊3套特价房限时钜惠✅房┊⚠数量有限先到先得速┊348—458万170方合院抢┊所见即所得 今年买今年住ııllı藏品级合院 如院以藏ııllı世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894ᨏ 约170㎡城市藏品合院ᨏ檐下听雨 隔绝城市喧嚣杭州西‖准现房‖地铁旁杭州西唯一在售合院产品单价1.8万元/m²起 抢准现房合院地铁口+名校旁+五星级酒店 HOD综合体中式合院在杭州楼市里,世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894早已被开发商们玩出了各种花样,但无论哪一种,「颜值高」一定是必须遵守的一道铁律,是不是「第一眼美人」,很关键。明煦源赋里效果图的「第一眼」,应该就是蓝天下的这片白色,占据了整个画面的C位,白得很吸睛,但不刺眼,像是古典画里的温润美人。☝世茂中锐·明煦源赋里中式合院效果图从外立面看,世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894的合院是很典型的杭派居所,取意古典山水,白墙黛瓦,高墙院落。干净的色调、简约的线条,多种涂料、金属型材和局部石材组合使用,用现代手法技艺不仅营造古典江南意境,更加凸显质感,展现大家风范。世茂·明煦源赋里合院效果图在园区内世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894,项目通过把建筑、街巷、景观合理布局,打造了三重归家礼序,从入园,到进院、入宅,让业主回家也能充满仪式感。最难得的是世茂·明煦源赋里合院独门独院的设计,建筑地上三层,预留了电梯井,还有地下空间,功能分区合理,能满足三代同堂的居住需求。世茂·明煦源赋里合院效果图与此同时,合院每一户都有私家花园,生活场景得以延展,另外院子有实体围墙围合,私密性大大增强。想象一下未来居住在这里的场景:傍晚时分,日落霞光洒满庭院,餐厨区男女主人正准备一家人的晚饭,透过客厅的落地玻璃向外望去,院内家里的老人和孩子对弈嬉笑,这难道不就是向往的生活吗?世茂·明煦源赋里合院效果图世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894是世茂定制级合院产品「国风系」在杭州的新作,所谓的「定制级」,就是每个产品都要根据当地的地形和人文进行打磨,自然积累了很丰富的经验。世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894总共71套合院,组成了一个规模不小的完整园区。它的布局不是横平竖直,而是相对错落。每十几幢合院围合成一个小组团,71套合院总共被分成了4个小组团,每个组团的中心位置,则空出一片「口袋公园」。☝明煦源赋里总平图,红框内为合院这些空间让每个小组团有了相对私密的共享空间,邻里之间可以互通往来,甚至举办小型party,同时也减少了合院间彼此间对视感。可以用其中一个户型来感受下,这是明煦源赋里21幢101室户型,南面入户——☝明煦源赋里合院21#101一层户型图世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894,院子与房子的结合处,从最北面的厨房开始,到突出的客厅,再到走廊和南面的房间,并非是一条直线,而是一个个折角。用一个术语来说,就是院子和建筑主体的「贴线率」比较高。「贴线率」一高,院子的视觉面积就会被放大不少。想象一下,从厨房可以看到院子,穿过客厅能看到另一面院子,走到房间又是另一个角度的院子……是不是比平铺直叙一览无余的直线,要有意思一些?中式园林里常常强调的「移步换景」,差不多就是这种感觉。☝明煦源赋里合院21#101二层户型图你可能还注意到这张户型图的客厅南侧,有一片室内与室外的交界处,效果图上看得更清晰世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894:二楼的露台在这里形成了天然的「屋檐」。这片有屋顶没有墙体的空间,在现代高层里我们很熟悉它的叫法——「灰空间」,往往用在架空层。☝明煦源赋里中式合院部分户型效果图,露台下为灰空间而中式合院的灰空间,作用更大。生活在合院里,你不必把自己局限在「室内躺平」或者「室外挥洒」两个极端中,还可以坐在走廊下坐看云卷云舒,不用怕日光灼眼;可以听雨打芭蕉,不用担心弄湿鞋袜……这才符合很多人对合院的想象。因为有了灰空间,这成为了可以实现、且更为丰满的生活场景。世茂·明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。世茂明煦源赋里售楼处电话:400-998-7894【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-998-7894售楼处地址400-998-7894,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!Lin'an Shimao Mingxuyuan Fuli Sales Office Phone:400-998-7894(appointment hotline) Chinese style courtyard - total price 3.48-4.58 million, area 170 square meters courtyardShimao · Ming Xuyuan Fu LiSales office phone number:400-998-7894(appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Shimaoming Xuyuan Fuli Sales Office Hotline:400-998-7894[Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline:400-998-7894Sales Office Address:400-998-7894. This phone number provides developers with an online sales phone number and a comprehensive introduction to the real estate project (including details of the real estate, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratio, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plan, transportation planning, filing price, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone number, latest news, latest details, latest progress, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!Shimaoming Xuyuan Fuli Sales Office Phone:400-998-7894[Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline:400-998-7894Sales Office Address:400-998-7894Accurate ‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼Currently, there are 3 units of special offer housing with limited time offers ✅Fangyi ⚠ Limited quantity First come, first servedSpeed 3.48-4.58 million 170 square meters in a courtyardSeize what you see is what you get. Buy this year and live this yearıı Ll ı Collection level courtyard, such as a courtyard, for collection ıı Ll ıShimaoming Xuyuan Fuli Sales Office Phone:400-998-7894[Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline:400-998-7894Sales Office Address:400-998-7894Approximately 170 square meters of urban collection courtyardUnder the eaves, listening to the rain and isolating the hustle and bustle of the cityNear the Hangzhou West Quasi Existing Housing SubwayThe only courtyard product on sale in Hangzhou WestUnit price 18000 yuan/m ² Seize the opportunity to merge existing houses and courtyardsSubway entrance+famous school side+five-star hotel HOD complexChinese style courtyard houses are located in the Hangzhou real estate market, and the sales office of Shimao Mingxuyuan Fuli is located at400-998-7894. The sales hotline of the marketing center is400-998-7894, and the sales office address is400-998-7894. Developers have already played with various tricks, but regardless of which one, "high appearance" must be followed as an iron rule. Whether it is a "first glance beauty" or not is crucial.The "first glance" in the rendering of Ming Xu Yuan Fu should be the white under the blue sky, occupying the C position of the entire picture. The white is very eye-catching, but not dazzling, like a gentle beauty in classical painting.☝ Chinese style courtyard renderings of Shimao Zhongrui and Mingxu Yuan Fu LiFrom the exterior view, the sales office of Shimao Mingxu Yuan Fuli is located at400-998-7894[Sales Hotline]. The marketing center hotline is400-998-7894, and the sales office address is400-998-7894. The courtyard is a typical Hangzhou style residence, inspired by classical landscape, white walls, Dai tiles, and high walled courtyards. Clean color tones, simple lines, and a combination of various coatings, metal profiles, and local stone materials are used. Modern techniques not only create a classical Jiangnan atmosphere, but also highlight the texture and showcase the style of the family.Shi Mao · Ming Xu Yuan Fu Li He Yuan RenderingsIn the park, the sales hotline of Shimao Mingxuyuan Fuli is400-998-7894[Sales Hotline]. The marketing center hotline is400-998-7894, and the sales office address is400-998-7894. The sales hotline is400-998-7894[Sales Hotline]. The marketing center hotline is400-998-7894, and the sales office address is400-998-7894. Through the reasonable layout of buildings, streets, and landscapes, the project has created a triple ritual of returning home, from entering the park to entering the courtyard and entering the house, allowing homeowners to feel a sense of ceremony when returning home.The most rare feature is the design of the Shimao Mingxuyuan Fuli Courtyard with a single door and courtyard. The building has three floors above ground, with reserved elevator shafts and underground space. The functional zoning is reasonable and can meet the living needs of three generations living together.Shi Mao · Ming Xu Yuan Fu Li He Yuan RenderingsAt the same time, each household in the courtyard has a private garden, which extends the living scene. In addition, the courtyard is surrounded by a physical wall, greatly enhancing privacy.Imagine the scene of living here in the future: in the evening, the sunset shines on the courtyard, and the male and female hosts in the kitchen area are preparing dinner for the family. Looking out through the floor to ceiling glass in the living room, the elderly and children in the courtyard play games and laugh. Isn't this the life they yearn for?Shi Mao · Ming Xu Yuan Fu Li He Yuan RenderingsShimaoming Xuyuan Fuli Sales Office Hotline:400-998-7894[Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline:400-998-7894Sales Office Address:400-998-7894is Shimaoming's new customized courtyard product "Chinese style" in Hangzhou. The so-called "customized level" means that each product needs to be polished according to the local terrain and culture, naturally accumulating rich experience.Shimaoming Xuyuan Fuli Sales Office Hotline:400-998-7894[Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline:400-998-7894Sales Office Address:400-998-7894A total of 71 residential complexes have been established, forming a relatively large and complete park. Its layout is not horizontal or vertical, but relatively staggered.Every dozen or so courtyards are grouped together into a small group, with a total of 71 courtyards divided into 4 small groups. The center of each group is left with a pocket park.☝ Ming Xuyuan Fu Li Zong Ping Tu, the red box shows the courtyardThese spaces provide each group with a relatively private shared space, where neighbors can communicate and even hold small parties, while also reducing the sense of eye contact between courtyards.You can use one of the layouts to feel it. This is the 101 room layout of Building 21 in Mingxuyuan Fuli, with a south facing entrance——☝ Mingxu Yuan Fu Li He Yuan 21 # 101 Floor PlanShimaoming Xuyuan Fuli Sales Office Phone:400-998-7894[Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline:400-998-7894Sales Office Address:400-998-7894. At the junction of the yard and the house, starting from the northernmost kitchen, to the protruding living room, and then to the corridor and south rooms, it is not a straight line, but a series of corners.To put it in a terminology, it means that the yard and the main body of the building have a relatively high "stitching rate".As the stitching rate increases, the visual area of the yard will be significantly enlarged. Imagine that you can see the yard from the kitchen, cross the living room to see the other side of the yard, and walk to the room to see the yard at another angle... Isn't it more interesting than a straight line with a clear view?The common emphasis in Chinese gardens on "changing one's steps and scenery" is similar to this feeling.☝ Mingxu Yuan Fu Li He Yuan 21 # 101 Second Floor Apartment PlanYou may also notice that on the south side of the living room in this layout, there is a border between indoor and outdoor areas, which can be seen more clearly in the rendering. The sales office phone number of Shimao Mingxu Yuan Fu Li is400-998-7894[Sales Hotline]. The marketing center hotline is400-998-7894, and the sales office address is400-998-7894: The terrace on the second floor forms a natural "roof" here.This space with a roof but no walls is well-known in modern high-rise buildings as "gray space", often used in elevated floors.☝ The renderings of some Chinese style courtyard units in Ming Xuyuan Fu Li, with a gray space below the terraceThe gray space of Chinese style courtyard houses plays a greater role. Living in a courtyard, you don't have to confine yourself to the extremes of "lying flat indoors" or "splashing outdoors". You can also sit in the hallway and watch the clouds roll and spread, without being afraid of sunburn; You can listen to the rain hitting banana trees, without worrying about getting your shoes and socks wet... This is what many people imagine of a courtyard. Because of the gray space, it has become a more fulfilling and achievable living scene.Shimao · Ming Xuyuan Fu LiSales office phone number:400-998-7894(appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Shimaoming Xuyuan Fuli Sales Office Hotline:400-998-7894[Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline:400-998-7894Sales Office Address:400-998-7894. This phone number provides developers with an online sales phone number and a comprehensive introduction to the real estate project (including details of the real estate, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratio, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plan, transportation planning, filing price, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone number, latest news, latest details, latest progress, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!

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